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Law Office


What We Are About 

About Apogee Law Group

Apogee Law Group, LLP is a Carlsbad-based full-service law firm specializing in family law, labor, and employment law, and consumer rights law to individuals facing divorce and all accompanying aspects in various practice areas serving countless clients throughout San Diego County, including Carlsbad and the surrounding areas. Our team of experienced attorneys are dedicated to preventing and resolving legal disputes in the most effective manner possible. 

Our attorneys have a wealth of experience and an extensive knowledge of California family-related laws, with a passion for their work to strive to bring clarity to the legal system and provide our clients with the best representation possible. We are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality of service, understanding that every case is unique and requires individualized attention.


Whether you are in need of a skilled family lawyer or simply seek trusted legal advice from an attorney, let Carlsbad attorney David Brooks at Apogee Law Group, LLP be the proven legal resource you rely on.


  • California Western SOL; San Diego CA

David Brooks

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